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GOING PLACES Lindis Hallan


Different places, different people

Photo of people in St. Stephen’s Green – a public park in Dublin

Different places, different people

Nora grew up in Dublin, but lives in Norway now. She talked to Lindis, who grew up in England, about some differences she has noticed between Irish, English and Norwegian people.

Before you listen

When you are listening to someone speaking in English, you may not understand every word. That does not always matter. Try to listen out for the basic ideas – the gist. Forget about the details. A handy hint for when you are listening: People stress what they think is important, and often they say these things more than once.

First, listen once. What is the gist of what she is saying?


Now do Part 1: Getting the gist.

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Before you listen

You have been invited to a friend’s house for dinner at 7 pm. What time should you arrive? Write down your answer, then listen to Nora and Lindis.


Now do Part 2: Getting the gist and Part 2: Your turn to talk.

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Part 2: Getting the gist

Listen to Nora and Lindis. Answer the following questions.

  1. What do the Irish think about time?
  2. Is there any difference between social time and business time?
  3. How has Nora solved the problem of being late?